
Category: Cats
  • Happy half-birthday, kittens!

    Happy half-birthday, kittens!

    Six months ago, Three gave birth to Maura, Futatsuyama, Isabella Bird, and Fritter. These days, they look more like cats than kittens, but they still play like kids. Today they got a lunchtime treat. Maura waited til everyone else rushed for the first bowl, then he sauntered over as I sat down the second bowl.…

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  • Licking Hour

    Licking Hour

    Ah, the kittens continue to be adorable as they approach their half year birthday. Today I came outside and they came running over to sit near me. They were doing their own things, but everyone had something in common, licking.

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  • Kittens!


    I have never seen such tiny and determined beings. They came out one at a time, with very little fuss from Three. She licked their cauls off and they went right to work suckling. It is so different than her last experience – these little ones were definitely healthy and ready to be born. Maura…

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