1:1 scale

Sasaki-san and Yoshida-san came to 555 today to stake out the corners of the building and to show me some really meaningful measurements.

It took a few tries to get the building in the right place. I have reasons for not wanting it the typical 90 cm from the edge of the drainage – the main one being that I want the front edge of the house aligned with the side of the barn. It would make me twitch to have it a foot out of line; that was hard to explain, but I got what I wanted. The house will be placed 210 cm from the north ujiko and 210 cm from the west ujiko, which makes it about 4 meters from the garden and a nice wide swath on the east side.

Talking about the roof; I am the roof. Method acting my way to home ownership.

And then we talked about other dimensions. We didn’t just talk. Sasaki-san demonstrated for me some of the hard to visualise points: the height of the building; the angle of the roof; the height of the ceilings. It’s really good to see it sketched out in 1:1 scale then put together and hoisted into the sky.

Yoshida-san measured out the angle of the roof. It’s not as steep as I imagined it would be.
The top of the roof will be just about the level of the treeline behind the board.
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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.