Creating gabion is a much more labor intensive process than I expected. You can’t just dump a bunch of rocks into the cage. Even at the bottom and back, every rock is positioned by hand into a pile that won’t shift. There are thousands of small decisions that add up to a filled frame. Sakaguchi-san makes it look easy, thanks to his decades of experience and Abe-san made beautiful squared off patterns in the cages. You’ll have to have a look when you visit!

From the two 20 ton dump deliveries of stones, we used almost all of them. There’s only a small pile of leftover rocks – in this photo it’s barely visible between the gravel and the yumbo. These will be used to make tidy margins along the edges of the gabion, and the rough gravel will also be used as we continue work on the drainage.
The land solidifying work is scheduled to start on the 11th, if the weather cooperates, then the foundations go in and the septic system. More digging, mud, and concrete posts to come!