I set myself up for the weirdest meditation experience this morning. On Sunday my yoga class practices meditation. We have tried many techniques over the years – everyone has a different way of getting to their inner silence and we don’t know what will trigger an interesting insight. So we try as many as I…
My mind is a whirlwind, even when I calm it. This morning in Satoyama Yoga we sat in silent meditation. We do this every month on the 2nd Sunday and at this point the regular members of my class have been introduced to dozens of ways to practice. Today after stretching our bodies, we each…
Once a month in our morning Satoyama Yoga class, we do a “Yoga Spa” session where we focus on massage and relaxation. I have a few different version of these spa sessions, but recently have been interested in traditional Thai self-massage techniques, the Reusi Dat Ton. There is a lot of correspondence between yoga asanas…
I’ve been watching the weather like a hawk for the past week, but watching it didn’t keep the rain away. I mowed the grass in our practice space yesterday, just in case the clouds passed by, but bad weather settled in overnight and the morning was soggy. Instead of the green grass, we practiced in…
This morning you will find me goofing around in the Bonichi Shimbun again. This time I’m not at my desk, but doing yoga in the rice terraces in my work apron and boots. The article announces an event that I am co-hosting at Oyama Senmaida. For International Yoga Day, on June 21st, I’ll be teaching…
On Sundays in my yoga class we focus on meditation. Every week we do a different form of meditation, because people find their way to inner stillness from many vectors. Today we practiced my own system, Drawing Meditations, where we use art to find insights, inner peace, and connection. And it was a remarkable session…
In Satoyama Yoga I honor the Spring Equinox with a theme of balance classes for the month. Many involve standing balances, we test our dynamic balance, and we also try energetic balance using the chakras as a framework. I feel about chakras the same way I feel about horoscopes, psychic readings, auras, and fortune telling…
Our hands are one of the most important tools we have to connect with the world – we use them to touch, explore, grasp, work. In this Drawing Meditation we use them as a conduit for connecting with our inner world. We let the drawing distract our conscious mind so that our inner thoughts and…
Today marks the 8th anniversary of my yoga classes in Kamogawa. They started as a twice weekly practice at Satoyama Design Factory and later become a daily class first in person and then via Zoom. I never set out to be a yoga teacher, but I am glad that I did. My practice has created…
This weekend, with house guests and local friends all gathered to help us move, we did our yoga sessions together in the upstairs of 555. (Still need a name for the upstairs!) We comfortably fit five people. Plus Mamiko joined us via Zoom from her mountain cabin. She’s our best class photographer. On Saturday we…