
Category: The Wider World
  • Mysterious boat

    The mysterious boat comes by every morning. It cruises past quickly at a distance about 3/4 of the way to the horizon. There’s no sense of scale–it could be a twenty person yacht or a radio-controlled toy. Our binoculars bring it into clear focus but there is nothing to see that indicates how big it…

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  • Watery view

    Our watery view is punctuated by creatures that like to leap. Yesterday morning a school of fish came jumping along. Again this morning. The fish are sleek and pale grey and are accompanied by a bright blue spot that swims along with them. We’ve been debating what the spot is attached to. I think it’s…

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  • Rain

    It rains often here. Every evening, the clouds roll in from the south and we have a nice downpour while we cook dinner. Then the clouds break up and the sky is full of stars. Every other day, we see more clouds than sun. But this is good. Not only does it fill the catchment…

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  • Flock of Parrots

    Flock of Parrots. Great name for an 80’s pop/Jimmy Buffet cover band. Also an actual sight and sound at our Hawaiian retreat. Parrots are noisy squawkers when they fly but they sure are pretty. Their green plumage with red and pink on the head and yellow beaks makes quite a spectacle as they wing across…

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  • Whales!

    Whales! Yesterday morning, I swore I saw a black fin arcing up out of the water, but I was the only one who saw it. Later in the afternoon, I spotted another. Once again, I was the only one. But I wasn’t halucinating. Within the hour we were standing at the railling of the lower…

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  • Travel weary

    How can I be here in Italy and have nothing to say? I’m not sure, but I think jetlag has finally hit me. I could curl up under the table and sleep now (it’s 11 am here). My powers of observation are limited to Internet points and caffe bars. Please, more caffeine and a ‘Net…

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  • Layers of Rome

    Rome is amazing. Layer upon layer of history. We came across an aquaduct last night whose ancient water line was at street level. It’s supporting arches were excavated to a depth of about 10 meters below the street. Everywhere we turn there are more old things to see. Churches, temples, scavenged columns, Bernini churches and…

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  • I miss rice

    I miss rice. I can understand why Japanese people seek out Japanese restaurants when they travel abroad. I am so sick of American food. Please, some miso soup and tsukemono! Alas, it is not to be. I leave America tomorrow for Italy. In fact, for the next week postings will be erratic. I’ll be in…

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  • Shoppping in America

    Shoppping in America is really fun. We’ve travelled back to the States for a family wedding and I spent my afternoon in a mall. Ostensibily, we were buying things for the bride but I had a bit of a spree, too. I couldn’t help it. Everything fits and it’s all so inexpensive. I bought shoes…

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