
Category: Audio
  • Online Audio Options

    Alternate places to buy downloadable music

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  • Aimee Mann

    Aimee Mann has a new album out. She’s one of my favorite singers (along with Sam Phillips, Holly Cole and a few others). Lost in Space is independently produced and brilliant, classic Aimee Mann. She has an amazing vocal range,and writes dark, thoughtful lyrics with catchy tunes. I’m listening to the songs online now and…

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  • Incidental music

    Japan is full of incidental music. Train stations on the Yamanote line have signature tunes, busy crosswalks play music, and all around the city at 5 o’clock, songs play on the public address system. I phoned the ward office to find out the name of the tune that’s played in our neighborhood. Mariko Harada was…

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  • Five Dees

    On InterFM last night, the Five Deez were promoting their Japan tour & new album. They are a four man rap frenzy. They were taking callers’ names and mixing them into raps live on the air. The rhymes were brilliant. My favorites were for Tachiro–touch n’go & Casio. Quick thinking!

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  • Ringtones

    Every time a phone rings, I jump. For as long as I can recall, the blare of the telephone has startled me. I’m often on edge in trains, on the streets, in shops and during meals out and about in Tokyo, because other people’s keitai are always ringing. To keep myself from leaping when my…

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