It’s time for some random photos of things around here over the past little few weeks. None are worthy of posts in themselves, but I’m hoping to keep the memories.
First, some cats. Two new strays have been visiting. I think grey tabby is from next door, but “orange fluff” is a complete unknown. He keeps his distance but doesn’t run away which leads me to believe he was someone’s pet and has been dumped or got lost. Should I care for him? He is not friendly to my clowder.

The nights have been cold this month, with a good handful of temps under freezing (it got down to -4C one night) but everything’s starting to warm up now. It was 6 last night and today’s high was 18. Pollen’s going crazy, too. So all the outdoor stuff is happening in a pale yellow haze with sneezing.
Things are getting cleaned up around 555. Someone reached out to me about taking remains of the Tile Mines. There has been visible progress. And Spring’s

Spring is also bringing beauty in many forms.

I did lots of art this month, too. So many drawing meditations to keep myself calm and a bunch of client work to fo keep my wallet from being empty.

And to round out the month, I went to Tokyo so see my friend, Greg. This was a very long-overdue catch-up. Greg’s one of those friends that time doesn’t touch. It was such a fun day that I took no photos of us, but I did get a shot of Mt Fuji from the bus. 🙂