Fritter’s early morning

Fritter spent an hour at dawn loudly trying to get my attention. He sat himself in the bedroom at 4:15 meowing until I got up to see what his problem was. I put a handful of kibble on his plate (that’s usually the problem) but he soon returned to the bedroom for even louder and more insistent meowing.

When I stuck my head out the front door to see if there was anything obviously askew, he ran past and asked me to follow him up into the solar farm. He was smelling everything thoroughly and scanning the space. Had an intruder been around?

Whatever it was, he wanted backup. I declined to join him beyond the top of the hill. I went inside and eventually he quieted down.

An hour later he was calling for my attention again. This time he was covered in cobwebs. He came into the studio for a snack, then sat in the upstairs hall and agitated for me to join him outside.

Eventually he and Beryl went out together. I hope she accompanies him on whatever adventure he is set on having this morning because he clearly needs company. I can hear him outside now, still meowing loudly…

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.