1993: Sisters in Song

Cleaning out some of my photos and memorabilia, I came across this treasure. Me, Louise Zbozny, Shirley Mounts, and Jen Zbozny after our first place triumph in the Fiberfest Talent show.

We performed a ten minute musical. Country girl (Louise) versus her city-loving sister (me) with Jen as our neighbor and Shirley as the Narrator. Louise and Jen rewrote lyrics to famous musical songs. Tod recorded background tracks for us. We practiced in the car on the way to Kalamazoo, MI, and worked on our dance number between the bed and the dresser in the hotel room. It was so much fun to create and prepare that the prize was only the icing on the cake.
I was pretty happy to find the lyrics to the songs and I want to share them so that I can sing them again some day or in case you need a musical about sisters or country life. The narration is lost, so you’ll have to figure out how to thread the story together. The order of songs was Wouldn’t it be Loverly (Louise), Sheep Shit in the Shadows (me), Favorite Things (duet), It’s a Fine Life (Jen), Sisters (duet).


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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.