

On a chilly Tuesday holiday you must get out of the house and go somewhere fun. So yesterday we made our way to the Subway Museum in Kasai. Riding the subways every day, you get to love them and we’ve wanted to visit the 地下博 for many years. Finally, we did and it was great.

I saw the very first subway car, beautifully restored. Walked through a antique turnstile. Marvelled at the size of the trains from the bottom of the tunnel. Aah’d at the pretty graphics of yesteryear. Scratched my head that the horrible numbered signage change was almost a decade ago. Learned everything I could ever want to know about our city’s subways. And dodged many children (hopefully also their germs).
As a bonus we learned something fascinating in the tunnelling exhibit – Japan had native elephants! A fossil of one was unearthed near Harajuku during digging. So this weekend we are going on an excursion to a “Nauman Zou” museum to find out more about them. We love Japan’s specialty museums.
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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.