It’s been exactly a year since I took my first Hooplovers hoop class. That week, I bought two hoops from Deanne and spent the next few months obsessed with learning to spin, dance and whirl – hooping mania. A year later, I’m enjoying hooping just as much as Day One but with more depth to my experience.
When I first started hooping, I asked Deanne why she loved to hoop. She gave me long list of her reasons and I promised I’d have my own set soon enough. Here are some of them in no particular order:
Wellness: Hooping has increased my energy. Maybe it’s because of a fitness boost, maybe it’s a more positive outlook, maybe there’s something magic about spirals. Anyway, I am genkier.
Extroversion: I’m introverted and need my alone time, but I don’t mind being on stage or in the public eye. It’s been a while since I’ve been there, though. Hooping has really brought out the show-off in me.
People: My group of friends & acquaintances has become wider and more diverse. I’ve met some really great women who I am happy to call friends. The Tokyo hooping community is growing and I know that I am part of it and have helped the growth a little bit. This is satisfying.
Notoriety: In my neighborhood and on the trains, its hard to miss the foreigner with the hula hoops. The guards at the university sometimes say hello. All the old guys in the park know me and stop to chat.
Dance: I can! I’m not brilliant, but I can move. I’m no longer afraid to. “Everything is OK” is one of Deanne’s mantras that resounded with me.
Sharing: What is more uplifting than sharing your fun and getting someone to smile? I enjoy hooping with strangers in the park, beach, street.
Craft: I love making things, including hoops. If pipe were more readily available in Japan, I’d spend all my money on making hoops to give away.
Performing: Though I don’t like impromptu performance, I have learned to accept people watching me when I practice at the park. It spurs me to spin well. I definitely enjoyed rehearsing and being on stage with the Spinbirds. And I’ll get to do it again for Spin Matsuri in October. Rehearsals start soon.
Costumes: Hooping is a great excuse to play with shiny fabric and try out unusual shapes and designs. I have a long wish list of costumes to make for myself and hooping friends.
Poi: Not hooping but a related flowtoy, spinning poi is relaxing and meditative. I really like poi a lot.
Color: From head to toe, I am a more colorful person now. No more black and grey clothes. Funkier hair colors. Thanks in great part to Style Smart Sensei Jeanette, but I wouldn’t have consulted with her except for hooping.
Boundaries: Every new trick is a challenge to push my physical boundaries and there have been revelations in my thinking, too. Fewer limits. More acceptance. More happiness.
Events: I like planning and participating in events and I’ve had a year full of getting ready for two big ones. World Hoop Day on 9/9/9 will be celebrated on Sunday the 6th in Tokyo with a Hoop Circus in Yoyogi Park with hooping, games, prizes, face painting and more. And my big project, Spin Matsuri is coming up on Otober 9-11. I’ve been busy planning and promoting this weekend hoop retreat. It is going to be an amazing group of people; I’m excited about it.