Tod showed me the peaches (yum) then held up a green pepper, “What do you think?” He said I looked dubious, but I was just imagining the combination, along with the ginger that we’d already agreed on. “Yeah, go ahead,” I granted.
Wow! The green pepper is a fresh top note, then you taste the sweetness of hte peach, bit not it’s flavor so much, then the ginger brings it home. I couldn’t even tell there was rum in the drink until I started to type up this recipe…
Peach and Piman Fruity Drink
serves 2 generously
2 overripe peaches, cut into chunks
1 Tbsp chopped ginger
1 piman (small green bell pepper), seeds & pith removed
130 ml white rum
ice to fill the blender (~3 cups)
Put everything in the blender and whirl until smooth and drink-like. Pour into glasses with more ice as desired.