Lyric friendships

With great delight, I’ve spotted a growing trend among my friends. They spontaneously break into song: a chorus of natsukashii 80s pop over dinner; a round of Queen’s “Bicycle Ride” on a long walk; little snips and phrases punctuating conversations.
It’s a bit like living in a musical–sort of hokey but magical, too. Someone starts singing and everyone joins in. And why not? We all know the words. So I’m thrilled that now I can burst into song (scene change and costumes preferred but not required) without odd looks from my companions. They’ll be singing, too.
Let me entertain you
Laura Ingalls Wilder influenced my desire to sing in daily life. Pa was always making music in the evenings, and in Happy Golden Years, she describes the town’s singing school. In a scene that’s stuck in my head for 30 years, Laura and her beau ride home in a sleigh after class, singing to one another.
That people entertained each other every day with their own talent–song and instrumental music, reading and recitations, staged readings and plays–always appealed to me. Such a pity that these days we’re all glued to TV, movies, iPods, and computers for our daily amusement.
So I will answer Jeremy’s question about what embarrassing songs are on my iPod (none!), with a list of some songs I enjoy singing but probably not ought to admit.
My list:

  • Godspell (the whole show)
  • Carole King: Tapestry (the entire album)
  • Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
  • Scarbourough Fair
  • Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (and a few other spirituals)

How about you?

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.