Remembering Philo

I didn’t expect this would hit me so hard. I met Philo Hagen only twice in person. I couldn’t call him a friend, but my life between 2008 and 2018 was shaped his influence and our online collaborations. I left my “hooping era” years ago, and so did he, but now he is gone from the Earth and I feel haunted.

Philo would laugh because on top of all the other things he did, he was a paranormal investigator. Of course he is out here haunting people now.

Hoopcamp 2010

Maybe I feel haunted because the only photo I have of us is this crazy blurry thing snapped at Hoopcamp 15 years ago. We both look like we are being pulled headfirst into the ether. Was this an indication of things to come? It turned out that Philo was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour in September and left the world in November. Hmmm.

Hoopcamp 2012

Both times I met Philo it was at Hoopcamp in California. He was warm and welcoming, greeting me with an enthusiastic hug. He was goofy, big-hearted, and unabashed. Through the event he checked in on me with curiosity and kindness. I deeply appreciated those check-ins; I was mighty intimidated as a small-time hooper among the big names and tight cliques. Even when I was there to teach the WHD Dance in 2012, it was overwhelming. Some of my favorite moments from 2012’s camp include Philo: LED hooping in the dark; a chat along the pond’s edge; and those big hugs.

We had gotten to know one another online way before we met in person. was Philo’s online gathering place for everyone participating in modern hoopdance. I think that every hooper will agree that Philo’s energy and enthusiasm on that site drove the hooping world. A huge amount creativity and connection spun out of from its inception in 2003 til Philo shut it down in 2017.

Philo hosted online forums for us to connect; posted daily to share hoop dance tutorials and every bit of hooping news from all around the world; hosted guest writers (including my sister); supported World Hoop Day; and organised contests and events – Hooping Idol, Amazing Hoop Race, and annual awards, The Hoopies.

The ghost of at the Wayback Machine

What an influence Philo was to thousands of people. It’s hard to imagine that I would have sustained a decade of hooping without him. Thank you for everything, Philo.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.