Mother Trees

Up on the ridge of the mountain behind 555, there are five huge and ancient Shii trees. They are relatives of our Ent but somehow even larger. The mother trees of the forest. Photographs can’t show their majesty.

While we were visiting with them, Tod discovered the shrine we knew would be there. We’d looked for it before, but missed it at the very tippy top of the mountain. It’s been tilted over by the growth of roots. We brushed the leaves from the basin and moved away some debris and weeds. Next time we go up, we’ll take some tools and try to set the shrine upright.

Maps indicate that there was once a road that ran northward from the top of the ridge, but where it might have been is a ravine now. It is yet another bit of history that might be remembered by the neighbors but is quickly fading into lost memories. We will try to find out before its too late.

Every walk up the mountain is a good one. We are lucky to have access to this in our literal back yard.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.