Christmas 2024

I seem to be starting a tradition of taking Maura to the vet on Christmas.

Last year he had an abscess that needed surgery; this year I have avoided that with prompt medical care. Mai-kun from Oyama Senmaida came over on Christmas Eve and got in a roiling fight in the storm drain with Maura. Hair everywhere, collar popped off, lots of howling. I found a couple of puncture wounds on Maura’s flank, so I took him to see Dr. Michiko this morning for antibiotics.

Honestly, Christmas has been excessively low key this year. I did no baking at all. I strung fairy lights on the railing of the shed in early December but that was the entirely of my decorating. I realised on the 23rd that Christmas was imminent. It snuck up on me, so I wrapped up some food as presents I’d ordered online at the last minute and set them on the shelf in the living room.

I made the tree with a stack of nordic stars topped by a woven angel. I exhibited this at the Community Center festival earlier this month. I strung a garland of laurel leaves and paper ornaments as Christmas Eve dinner of spicy spareribs braised.

Christmas Day was a work day for Tod. I made the trip to the vet, then came home to find Mai-kun stalking Fritter who was up in the barn roof. I called Kaori to get him while I kept the cat at bay with a broom. Then I did some overdue weeding that left me covered in burrs.

In the evening we went to Mark & Vickie’s for Christmas dinner – a turkey and all the trimmings! We had lots of conversation and laughter, and took no photos. It was a great end to a rather stressful day.

Tomorrow I will “de-decorate” and start on osouji – the year-end deep clean of the house. Tod’s on vacation over the new year, so maybe there will be some adventures to report.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.