Weave 2025

Every year since 2009 I have selected a word to guide me. My theme word for 2025 is weave. It narrowly beat out color, draw, muse, and present.

I want to weave community through creating connections and weave beauty in patterns. I want to weave my ideas into the rich history and culture of this area. I might weave baskets, weave a tale, weave a song into my day, or weave through a crowd.

Weave also brings to mind the various goddesses who weave human life and destiny: the Fates, Moirai, the Norn, Athena and so many more. Spiders are beautiful weavers, too, and always welcome in my home.

And one of my favorite songs since childhood is Carole King’s Tapestry.

So weave is how I am going to guide my 2025. And if a bit of color, drawing, musing or presence slip in, well all the better.

Here are all the words since I started practicing this:
2009, no shopping
2010, connect
2011, relate
2012, engage
2013, move
2014, develop
2015, explore
2016, realise
2017, open
2018, be
2019, light
2020, flourish
2021, observe
2022, wonder
2023, compose
2024, cheer

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.