For the past couple of weeks, people in the US have reported mysterious nighttime drone sightings, specifically over New Jersey and now spreading along the east coast and elsewhere. There are been reports of drones over US bases in the UK, too.
And last night, Tod saw flying objects in the sky over our local mountains. (local mountains pictured above; drone photos below)
He was walking home around 7:00 and spotted a bright light low over the mountain. Then another. And another. Three at once in the sky. And more after those moved away. They maneuvered silently and turned slowly and gracefully. They had strobing red and green lights and a bright bluish front light. Tod said they were quite unusual. These are the photos Tod was able to capture on his phone, zoomed in 30x.

They are not airplanes. We are on the flight paths to Haneda and Narita, and there were planes in the sky as well as these mysterious lights. Planes are familiar – they make noise, they move in predictable paths. Sometimes their headlights create bright points in the sky, but the aircraft turns and the airplane profile is visible.

A deep dive into news reports, Reddit, and beyond has convinced Tod that what he saw is similar to what other people are seeing. Their descriptions and videos match his experience.
We have no US military in this area but perhaps the little JSDF base at Mt. Atago is jointly operated. Or maybe they had their drones out for a practice run last night. I’m going to see if I can find anything in the Japanese news. And I will definitely be out there tonight to see for myself. 🙂 I love a good mystery.