38 minutes, 14 tunnels

The mountains in Kimitsu and Kamogawa are drilled through to form backroads and main thoroughfares. We took a drive yesterday and I snapped the light at the end of every tunnel we passed through.

These first seven are on the same Chiba forest road and all of a similar style with narrow, straight walls and high vaults. They are clustered close together; from the first to the seventh was a 7 minute drive.

The second batch of the tunnels are more varied in their age and styling – two handcarved tunnels near Mishima Lake followed by modern ones on the bigger roads. The last tunnel is familiar to anyone who visits Oyama Senmaida.

I didn’t snap pictures of the hazards along the way: a fallen tree enthusiastically marked with hi-vis reflective tape – if your car was short enough (ours was) it was possible to pass under it; further along, a washout had been partially filled with sandbags but washed out again. We made it over with some slow maneuvering.

That’s what we do for fun on the weekends. Spicy adventures on back roads!

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.