Bucket List

For the last couple of months, New Crone’s Complete It Club has focused on prioritising life’s work and legacy goals – and moving them towards completion. Important stuff, but heavy.

Let’s take a break this month for some of the dreamy, frivolous, and indulgent things you want to do. Wishes like that go on a list to be completed before we “kick the bucket.”

What’s on your bucket list? Everyone’s list is filled with personal things and serves as a roadmap for their fulfilling life. Some things are big dreams that seem unreachable; others are easily achievable if you set some time and effort towards them.

If you don’t have one (or if you want to add to yours), try filling in the blanks of the following statements as specifically as possible. You can use the same statement as many times as you like. Skip the ones that don’t apply. Add others!

  1. I have always wanted to visit ____________.
  2. If I could have a conversation with anyone, it would be ____________.
  3. I would like to eat____________ at least once.
  4. I want to achieve/win ____________.
  5. I’ve always said that I want to ____________.
  6. I want to take a workshop or class on ____________.
  7. I want to make some time to ____________.
  8. I secretly want to try ____________.
  9. If I had an unlimited budget, I would ____________.
  10. I want to share my knowledge of ____________.
  11. I would like to spend time with ____________.
  12. I feel so much joy when I ____________.
  13. I want to schedule ____________ just for me.
  14. I want to tell ____________ that ____________.
  15. I want to change this one little thing: ____________.
  16. If there were no consequences, I would ____________.
  17. I would like to return to ____________.
  18. My fear of ____________ would end if I ____________.
  19. I want to invite ____________ to join me for ____________.
  20. I would die happy if I could ____________.

If you can manage it this month, do something from your bucket list.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.