Path to Fulfillment

Hey there, Completer! We are about to make our first step to completing our life’s work and unfinished projects. So first we need to figure out what that work is, and which projects are most important to us.

As we embark on this journey together this month, our goal is to create a comprehensive list of our unfinished projects and thoughtfully prioritize them. This process is more nuanced than it might initially appear, as there are various factors to consider:

  1. Impact Assessment:
    • Global Impact: Which project could potentially make the biggest difference in the world?
    • Personal Legacy: What project best represents the mark you want to leave on the world?
    • Community Influence: Which endeavor might most positively affect your local community?
  2. Personal Well-being:
    • Mental Health: Which project brings you the most joy or sense of purpose?
    • Physical Health: Is there a project that could improve your overall health and vitality?
    • Stress Reduction: Which project, once completed, would alleviate the most stress or anxiety?
  3. Financial Considerations:
    • Income Potential: Could any of your projects generate additional income?
    • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Which projects offer the best return on investment, whether financial or otherwise?
    • Resource Allocation: Which projects can be completed with the resources you currently have available?
  4. Time and Energy:
    • Quick Wins: Are there any projects you can complete relatively quickly for a sense of accomplishment? These will be perfect for our future “sprints” to completion.
    • Long-term Commitments: Which projects require sustained effort but offer significant rewards?
    • Energy Levels: Which projects align best with your current energy and motivation levels?
  5. Skills and Growth:
    • Skill Utilization: Which projects best utilize your existing skills and expertise?
    • Learning Opportunities: Are there projects that excite you because they offer chances to learn and grow?
    • Collaboration Potential: Which projects might benefit from or lead to meaningful collaborations?
  6. Emotional Connection:
    • Passion Projects: Which unfinished works still ignite a spark of passion within you?
    • Meaningful Connections: Are there projects that could strengthen bonds with family or friends?
    • Personal Fulfillment: Which project’s completion would bring you the greatest sense of satisfaction?

Not all of these criteria will resonate with you, so by carefully considering these aspects, we can identify the project that balances personal fulfillment, practical considerations, and potential impact. Remember, this process is fluid – priorities are going to shift as we progress, and that’s perfectly okay. The goal is to move forward with intention and purpose, supporting one another and celebrating each step along the way.

August Tasks

Here’s a schedule I will try to keep and will be using to guide prompts over on the New Crone’s Complete-It Club on Facebook. Absolutely, you can do it at your own pace – working it in where it fits in your schedule.

Week 1 (August 1-7, 2024): Project Brainstorming

  • Task: Create a comprehensive list of unfinished projects
  • Activity: Spend 15-30 minutes each day reflecting on and writing down projects. Dig into your files, closets, or wherever you might have put things for “safekeeping.”
  • Goal: By the end of the week, have a complete list of all unfinished projects, big and small
  • NOTE: avoid listing ongoing programs like “do the laundry” or “send monthly newsletter” – focus on the stuff you want to finish forever.

Week 2 (August 8-14, 2024): Initial Prioritization

  • Task: Categorize projects based on the criteria we discussed (impact, personal well-being, finances, time/energy, skills, emotional connection)
  • Activity: Review the list daily, assigning each project to relevant categories
  • Goal: Have all projects categorized by the end of the week

Week 3 (August 15-21, 2024): Deep Reflection and Analysis

  • Task: Evaluate each project’s importance and feasibility
  • Activity: Spend time this week considering 2-3 projects in depth. Write pros and cons, potential outcomes, and personal motivations for each
  • Goal: Have detailed notes on each project’s potential value and challenges

Week 4 (August 22-28, 2024): Final Prioritization and Selection

  • Task: Create a final prioritized list and select the top project to focus on
  • Activity:
    • Days 1-3: Rank projects based on the previous weeks’ insights & criteria (maybe use a spreadsheet?)
    • Days 4-5: Narrow down to top 3 choices
    • Days 6-7: Make the final selection of one project to focus on in September
  • Goal: Have a clear, prioritized list and a chosen project for September

August 29-31, 2024: Preparation for September

  • Task: Outline initial steps for the chosen project
  • Activity: Break down the selected project into actionable steps
  • Goal: Have a clear action plan (or at least a first step) ready for September 1st

P.S. I used Claude AI to draft the nuanced priorities list and the schedule. I was impressed with the output. Claude thought of a couple things (and ways to clearly phrase them) that I had overlooked. Good bot!

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.