Woo Alert: I am a firm believer in science and also an advocate of talismans and magic. These things coexist comfortably for me. If that’s not the case for you, it’s understandable. I have friends on both sides of science and woo, but few in the middle with me.
Anyway, I set up my first altar in the house today. I was in the midst of reading an article connecting biblical passages about the Antichrist to the “orange candidate” when I felt a strong and sudden urge to take the box of crystals I saw in my studio yesterday and build a protective altar near my desk.
There is limited shelf space in my studio, but I do have a narrow ledge where the house beams meet the slanted ceiling. Its about 5 cm deep and only 4 cm high at the front, so it’s more like a crack or a cave than a shelf, but it was enough room to put some things together.

Scientifically, these stones are merely minerals. I know that. Yet all of these items have meanings to me, though I doubt they’d conform to any published definitions. Overall, the altar contains useful energies for my studio right now: connection to the past, creativity, clarity, and abundance, all wrapped up in protection for my mind and body.
I will keep this until it has served it purpose and then I will put it away or change it up for some different combination of talismans.