Thai-style Yoga Spa

Once a month in our morning Satoyama Yoga class, we do a “Yoga Spa” session where we focus on massage and relaxation. I have a few different version of these spa sessions, but recently have been interested in traditional Thai self-massage techniques, the Reusi Dat Ton.

There is a lot of correspondence between yoga asanas and Reusi Dat Ton, so I have put together a Yoga Spa session that includes yogic versions of the Thai moves interspersed with self-massage of hands, feet, head, and face.

If you’ve ever had a Thai full body massage, this will be familiar, but this is solo so you can enjoy it without a massage partner. I found it to be effective and relaxing.

If you’d like to try it out, I offer these two printable versions – one with cues and one without. The session can be done in 45-60 minutes depending on how long you choose to stay in each pose.

I encourage you explore and find your level of comfort or challenge, so these guides are simply a starting point. Take it deeper where that feels right; lighten it up where that is better.

If you try this Thai Yoga Spa session, let me know how it felt for you.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.