I am becoming the kind of person who has flowers in her house.
It’s a good kind of person to be because it brings me happiness and enjoyment three ways: exploring the garden and jungle looking for pretty colors and interesting textures; puzzling out how to arrange artfully; and admiring the ephemeral beauty on my table.
This evening I stepped outside with my secateurs and brought back an assortment of flowers that caught my eye, a cinnamon tree branch that needed trimming, and some herbs. We have a huge rain forecast tomorrow so I thought I would brighten the house with some bouquets.

The white rose of sharon put out its first bloom, which I greedily harvested. I took some azalea, the last red nasturtium, clusters of white feverfew, a sprig of lavender, mint (always mint), fennel, shiso, and some delicate St. John’s wort whose yellow petals drop with a breath. I even brought a special guest.