A Walk at Bodai Dam

We unexpectedly found ourselves taking a walk at Bodai Dam yesterday.

How do you unexpectedly end up at Bodai Dam? You start by running errands in town. When Tod says, “Let’s just drive over this scenic place I saw on the map, because we have a little time and the weather is good today” you agree. And then you get out of the car and walk for 90 minutes, enjoying the sun and the scenery.

And when you get to the far side of the dam and see the sign for the Kamogawa Izumi Forest Preserve (鴨川市和泉地区生活環境保全林), you walk a little further, get confused by the faded trail map and turn around.

The forest preserve is fascinating – and vast – and there is a wealth of information about it online. We’ll go back and enjoy some long forest hikes later.

Because we did have errands to do, after all.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.