More Maura Walks

Maura’s visit to the vet yesterday did not include taking his stitches out. We have to wait another week. I almost cried; I am sleep deprived from adventuring.

You know how in fantasy novels, the author glosses over the long arduous journey: “They made fast for Thoradil, changing horses and riding through the night, arriving at the castle keep hungry and exhausted.” That’s me right now.

Maura insists on walks at midnight, pre-dawn, and then at dusk. And if he doesn’t get them, he gets louder and more frantic until I relent. It is hard to say no and equally hard to drag myself to Thoradil or wherever it is Maura is heading.

The four of us make a good D&D crew: a bard, a magician, a warrior, and a human.

The lack of sleep caused me an injury this morning. I rose from bed and smacked my foot hard on the bedframe. It swelled and hurt for five hours before Naomi persuaded me to go get an x-ray. No broken bones, whew. I will try to stay off it for a couple of days…except on Maura’s adventures.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.