Too Much Toilet

Last week, I reviewed my choice for the toilet at 555 before committing to place the order.

I had selected a fancy top-of-the-line Toto Neorest RS toilet when I visited the showroom last year. But on review, something felt wrong about that choice.

Actually several somethings.

First of all, the price. MSRP 338,000 yen for a toilet? I am watching project costs adding up and if I can economise here, that lets me buy an extra light fixture or two. Juggling the budget seems like a good choice now.

Secondly, the design is so modern. Tankless toilets feel strange to me. This one squats there like a stool. It looks weird. I grew up with tanks and handles on toilets. I am old enough now that it’s best to stick with what I know. When my mind is soft and full of holes, I want to be able to reflexively reach for the handle to flush.

And also, this washlet is extra. There are too many features. I don’t want the seat to lift itself when I approach. I don’t want the toilet to flush when it thinks I am done (because based on experience, it doesn’t actually know). I do not need it to deodorise with proprietary scent pellets, blow dry my nethers, or to gently glow from inside at night.

So my choice is the slightly simpler, old-fashioned Toto Purerest EX with the Apricot F1A washlet. That shaves 97,000 yen from the retail price without sacrificing the features we want, including flushing with a handle.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.