Color dependencies

Although there are no interior walls yet, it is time to start thinking about surface finishes. That means wallpaper, paint, & tile. If you have ever seen the scene in Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, where Myrna Loy describes her preferred paint colors to the builder, this is what is playing in my head at the moment.

I am pretty sure this is how I talk about color.

My first step is to revisit the Tile Mines (now located at 555 next to the barn, covered by tarps over the winter) to find the tiles I want to use in the house.

The colors for everything else really depend on what color tiles I use.

When I sorted the first 12 tons of reclaimed waste tile in June 2021, I didn’t have a house design. I knew I’d want tiles, but I didn’t know exactly what kind or how much surface I’d need to cover. I earmarked likely candidates and some stayed at the forefront of my mind to use for:

  • Kitchen backsplash – white, right? I’ll need to fill a space that’s 320 cm x 77 cm. If I use ten cm square tiles, that’s 250 tiles. I am not sure if I have enough matching white tiles to do this. I also don’t know if the white tiles I have pair well with the kitchen cabinets. If the whites don’t work out, then options will be to use a different color, mosaic together something with multiple colors, or buy new tiles. (No!)
  • Bathroom sink backsplash – maybe greyish or brown. It’ll be only 24 ten cm tiles; I will be spoiled for choice. I could even go all in and use tiny tiles here.
  • Doma floor – mixed colors in muted neutrals. I have a lot of candidates for this, which is good because it’s a big space. 360 x 360 cm or 1300 ten cm tiles. I am going to use as many bigger tiles as possible, but this floor will be a mosaic, for sure.

Once I’ve figured out what tiles I am using, then I can decide which shade of off-white wallpaper will be the base for everything else. I will have access to a wallpaper sample book soon. For now, I have some paint samples.

Benjamin Moore “Off White Collection” paints

I want to create a simple, calm oasis in the house so that the gorgeous wood ceilings and the glass doors have a place to shine.

We do not lack visual variety at 555. There is abundant greenery outside every window. The barn will be a playful riot of color. So neutral colors in the house create a contrast to the other spaces.

However, I think there is room to throw a surprise party of color here and there. Insides of closets can be bright and cheery – robin’s egg blue or butter yellow. The toilet room under the stairs will definitely get something artful.

And in the bedroom, I want a warm color. I have my mind set on a warm red. Something between a cranberry and iron rust with enough chalky grey mixed in to give it a medium tone. Like this:

BN / COLOR STORIES 21 / 220854 @ 14,300 yen/roll. Beautiful but pricey.

Mrs. Blandings would be proud.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.