
For the past couple of days, I have been sick with a fever and yesterday lost my sense of smell.

I sort of expected a clinical, sterile scent or some kind of tingling to accompany the utter lack of this smell. But there’s just nothing. Neither positive nor negative. It’s odd but not nearly as unnerving as I imagined it would be.

A window open next to my desk, I feel the fresh spring breeze airing out my room. I know there must be a wonderful greenness to it; tree leaves are opening and wild grasses are thriving, but it’s just neutral air to me.

On the other hand, using the toilet is also neutral air. And so is cleaning up cat vomit. This is not the worst thing.

Yesterday, as I noticed the strange lack, I ran around sniffing things. There was light bitterness in bag of ground coffee; I identified cinnamon that Tod held out to me. But today, those scents are gone too.

Eucalyptus candle, cat food, vanilla tea, toothpaste. All the same.

The popping gunfire of someone burning bamboo across the street is not accompanied by the smoky scent. I hear the fire but nothing more. This is a danger I will have to be careful about until I am in my right senses again.

P.S. I’ve also lost my sense of taste, but I need more experimentation in the kitchen before I write about it.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.