
Yesterday, I decided to plant some colorful flowers at 555 to welcome visitors and workers. There were some old plant pots sitting around the space and the other day Sakaguchi-san rescued an old concrete pipe that he suggested as a plant stand. With those materials and access to as much dirt as I could want, I bought a variety of pansies, violas, and other winter annuals and foliage at Komeri.

Buying the pansies, I was reminded of my mother’s Story of the Red Rug. I adored pansies when I was a toddler. I loved the garden where she planted them and never came inside willingly. When Mom carried me in at sunset, kicking and crying, I would run to the living room and bang my forehead on the floor, making a clockwise trip all the way around the red area rug. Every time I came inside, I did this. She took me to a doctor to see if anything was wrong with me. He said I’d outgrow it.

Fifty years later, pansies still cheer me and I always feel a little disappointed when I come indoors. Nothing much has changed, but I did outgrow the frustrated head banging.

With yesterdays pansies and violas, I tried to make a pretty arrangement of heights and colors in the old pots and in the ground.

I think it distracts the eye from the chaos surrounding the site.

This is my first addition to the gardens at 555. There are so many established plantings already that I have been a bit overwhelmed. Tea camellias, fruit trees, ashitaba, suisen, flowering ginger, ferns, tree of heaven, and so many unwanted vines and bamboo stems.

I have many plans. I want to try a scented herb garden out by the kitchen. I want to plant ornamental shrubs in Tire Town (or is it Tireyama). I will attempt a vegetable garden, though I have been told monkeys will likely decimate it. I guess we will see.

This is all one great experiment and it starts with pansies.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.