Platitudes for Failure

My latest art project is a snarky perspective on trite phrases.

What can you say to someone when they fail, fuck up, or falter? Why not use some platitudes that sound positive and supportive on the surface, but have a multitude of other meanings between the lines.

“C’est la vie.”
You failed and don’t want to admit it, so blame external sources rather than yourself. In fact, blame life itself! Do it in French, so it sounds more profound.

“Giant oaks from little acorns grow.”
This isn’t failure; you are hopeful for long-term results. Plant that seed then wait a long time and perhaps you’ll turn out to be big. Or not. Germination rate on acorns is under 50%.

“Love conquers all.”
Love is the answer, but in your case it wasn’t. Go ahead and keep loving though, because that’s 100% certain to change the outcome. Right?

“Success is a state of mind.”
If you believe that you succeeded, then you did. Now I’d like you to pay back that loan I made to you.

There are scores of these back-handed platitudes and I feel called to create more art around them. If you have a favorite phrase, or if you want one of these for yourself or as a gift, let me know.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.