マザー牧場 (Mother Farm)

Today we took a day off from everything and went on an adventure to Mother’s Bokujo, a farm-theme attraction about a half hour north of us. It exceeded my expectations. For those who like wholesome fun, it’s a great day out. I thought it was nicely designed so that the experience was light and energetic but not pushy or too fake. We laughed a lot and enjoyed the animals, seeing shows, and having lunch.

I met a capybara. He squeaked at me. His fur feels like greasy pine needles.

This old boy definitely had a personality. He made a beeline for me, but he just wanted munch capybara poop. Mr. Tortoise has seen everything and is not flustered by visitors. Later in the afternoon, he put himself away in his own stall in the barn.

Pig races! Six kids chase six piglets to the finish line. Chaos! Sweet and funny. (Click through for a video). The 3pm race is for adults; we missed it this time.

We saw a surprisingly engaging show about sheep breeds from around the world. Some of the sheep were actually hams, eating each others food and generally misbehaving for laughs. The MC also sheared a sheep to Stray Cat Strut. Weirdly captivating..

It’s a little wrong to eat lamb after the sheep show, but it was tasty.

The grand duck parade – all adorable waddles and quacks – right through the audience to the pond made me smile. I imagined my sister and her future flock.

We visited today because Mother Farm’s offered free admission to all Chiba residents through the end of October. Since they also experienced typhoon damage, they have opened as much of the park as they can while they do repairs on damaged buildings and clear away the fallen trees. It’s a great PR move – I visited fro the first time, enjoyed the day, and will go again with friends.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.