Spin Matsuri 2010

Spin Matsuri is just around the corner! 14 more sleeps!! We have a great lineup of instructors, activities, and workshops this year. Check out this schedule:

Opening Ceremony with Heather Saturday at 16:00
Introduce yourself with flair, add to the intentions altar, shout a hoop hooray and snap a memorial photo.
Rock Your Hoops – Playful Sequences with Deanne Saturday at 16:30
Explore some cool and funky hoop dance sequences to use on stage or in practice.
Spin Party – Your Hoop Character! Saturday at 8pm
Create your hooping character. We’ll have rocking tunes, you bring your hoops and dance moves!
Spin Party Performances Saturday at 9pm
Show your talent with a song, dance, poem, joke or any sort of spinning arts.
Morning Yoga with Shanel Sunday at 7:30
A good start to the day to warm you up for a day of movement.
Hoopy Loopy Happiness with the La La Sisters Sunday at 9:30
Play hula hoop games that you can use as icebrekers at events and for fun in classes.
Integrating Dance Into Hoopdance with Caroleeena Sunday at 11:15
Add grace and movement to your hooping whether you are a beginner or a pro.
Poi Basics and Flowers with Yuta Sunday at 15:00
Spin a new toy and make patterns in time and space.
World Hoop Day Dance with Tink Sunday at 16:45
Learn a dance and make a video to celebrate an international charity event .
Chill Night Sunday 8-10pm
* Yoga Stretch – relax your body after a long day with a yoga stretch lead by Shanel
* Mandala Creation – help to make a beautiful circular artwork for our closing ceremony
* Costume Workshop – bring a t-shirt and learn how to remake and embellish it into a costume
* Theta Healing – mini sessions to heal your spirit and put you on a forward path with Tomoko
* World Hoop Day – 1000 yen buys a hoop for a child who needs some fun.
* Hoop Jam – for those who haven’t had enough spinning
Free Market Sunday 8-9:30pm
Spin market shopping! Accessories, hoops, and more.
Rhythmic Gymnastics: Hoop and Ribbon with Naomi Monday at 9:00
Style your hoop movements the gymnastic way – and get a taste of the flowing ribbon, too.
How to Flow with Ayumi Monday at 10:45
Ayumi from Hoop Tokyo shares her flowing hoop dance style.
Closing Ceremony with Heather Monday at 12:15

If you’re keen to come, three-day retreat tickets are available through Wednesday 9/29. We also have one-day tickets for the Sunday 10/10 (World Hoop Day!) activities. And for a very limited time, you can win a ticket to Spin Matsuri. Tweet your 140 character reason for coming to spinmatsuri before Monday at 5pm. Check out all the details and get y our ticket at http://spinmatsuri.com

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.