After Party Attitude Shift

This morning I was sulking a little because last night Tod had promised to wash the last batch of party dishes but there he was about to head out to work with the sink still loaded with unwashed china. When he noticed my moping, he asked about it and I told him what was wrong.
But then I saw the light. This wasn’t something to be even a tiny bit upset about. Washing a half a dozen wine glasses, a handful of cutlery and some serving plates really isn’t a big deal, even if they loom large in the sink. The problem was my expectation that Tod would do it. So I mentally took on the task myself, changed my expectation without any bad feeling, and my negative mood lifted.
It took Tod by surprise and he worries about repercussions, but there will be none. I gave him the gift of a Pi Day Dinner with friends. It was my pleasure to do it. The dishes are done, the rooms are all tidied and vacuumed and the day looks bright.
I wanted to note this because it is another example of how my increased happiness works. A year ago, this “undone dishes issue” would have blown up into an argument or a day of resentful housekeeping. Now, it is just another blip to be noted and passed by. We are fortunate people, Tod & I, with sufficient resources to do pretty much anything we could ever want to do. It is silly to sully that great fortune with trivial madness.
Why did it take me so bloody long to figure this out?

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.