At the orthopedic clinic

I went to the doctor today. This is a landmark occasion, as the last time I saw a medical office it was for my Turning Point Exam in 2006 when I turned 40. Today, though, I needed to have someone with gear confirm my foot problem was not a broken bone.
So I hobbled down to the Kodokan Building Clinic where they specialise in orthopedics, rehab, and outpatient dialysis. Dr. Yamamoto, who has been practicing medicine since I was 2, did exactly what I hoped he would. After listening to my history and prodding my foot a bit, he took me in for a roentgen, then showed me photographic evidence that my foot is only sprained rather than fractured. I am relieved.
I love looking at my own invisible insides. X-rays are magic and bones are beautiful. Dr. Yamamoto pointed out a previous injury, too – a sprained toe join from when I fell off a stone piling in Evanston in 1995. It really does look all messed up in there. I guess I can expect more problems with my feet in the future. At least I know where to go now.
As is almost always the case when I seek medical advice, there is no treatment for my problem. I’ve got 3 weeks’ worth of Loxoprofen (in easy to use transdermal tape form) to ease my pain and orders not to dance or jump for a while. I guess I will spend the next few weeks refining my hand hooping and minis.
Today I give a thumbs-up to socialised medicine. I was in and out of the clinic in under an hour without an appointment and the total cost for my initial visit, doctor’s consultation, two x-rays and 3 weeks of meds was 1860 yen (about $20). Plus the 115 yen I spent on a chocolate pudding to treat myself for being a good girl at the doctor’s office.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.