Hoop Weekend

Zoupi needs a smaller hoop
Our hoop-up in the park on Saturday turned out to be great fun. Christina, Amanda, Lauren, Tracey, Steph and Paulette from class turned up, plus we had many impromptu joiners: a university English club of a dozen students, a fashion photo shoot, two hungry boys, a portly gentleman with a great attitude, random picnickers, and several unexpected friends from our Niijima camping trip. There were uncountable photographs taken of us and I’m looking forward to discovering them on Flickr or wherever they turn up.
BYOH Saturday Hoop Up was a great success and we’ll repeat it next Saturday.
Hosei University English club tries hooping with encouragement from Amanda
Photo shoot with hoops & hoopers in the background: Christina, Amanda, and Lauren.
On Sunday, Amanda and I met again for more hooping (after an Indian lunch and some shopping at the Namaste India festival) and Yuka joined us. We hooped more lazily than on Saturday, but I racked up almost ten hours of hooping for the weekend. Tod, Rob, & Amanda’s friend, Melanie, turned up to watch and we all went for dinner. On the way home, Yuka and I hooped in the corridors of Higashi-Shinjuku station. It’s so hard to stop!

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.