Hooping Tricks List and Videos

There are a stunning number of hoop tricks and many wonderful video demonstrations and tutorials on how to do them. The same trick can have many names and lots of minor variations, so it gets confusing. As Deanne explained to me, “The hoop trick names appear to be like some kind of slang depending on where you hoop, where you learned, what style you prefer, who invented them.” The names of tricks are a crazy-mixed up world!
Seems impossible to get everything organised into a cohesive directory, but I’ve made a start by categorising the moves by where they are done on the body, their orientation (most tricks are either horizontal or vertical), and what sort of video it is – detailed tutorial, demo of a specific move, or inspiring full performance.
hooping tricks
This page will always display the most recent additions. Click the name of the trick to see the video.

To see all the tricks in the list and to search them go here: Hooping Tricks
add a trick
Have a favorite trick tutorial that you want to share? Feel free to add it to the list. Just fill in the form below and it will show up in the list above (and in the main list, too)

Happy hooping!
(Thanks to lazybase for their free service. It’s barebones database perfection.)

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.