Hooping Mania

I am obsessed by hula hoop dancing. Last Wednesday, I took a hoop dancing class with the most awesome Deanne at Hooplovers. It was so much fun that on Friday I bought myself some hoops. I have practiced 2 hours every day since (yay for the carport on rainy days!) and yesterday logged three hours when I took a second class. I am learning tricks of all sorts but I am clumsy and have bruises to prove it. I will need a lot of hard work before I can run away to the circus.
Today I took my hoops down to the park by the station. Lots of people go there to practice things and play games, so I figured I wouldn’t be too out of place. And I thought I’d see how I did under public scrutiny and possible humiliation. I found that I really didn’t care. I just danced and practiced my tricks, smiling at people if our eyes met.
This is what it looked like to me:
And here is what I looked like to anyone who was watching (be warned, I am really dorky):

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.