365 Necklaces

Following on the heels of the 40×365 project (though not too hot on the heels since that one ended nearly a year ago) where I wrote about someone every day for a year, I have begun a new year-long challenge. Since March 18th I have been creating a new necklace daily and will either give them as gifts or post them for sale on Etsy.
These aren’t just necklaces, though. They are diary entries, too. Each one is a word or phrase encoded in binary and explained in the item description. Maybe it sums up my day, or reports the weather, reflects my mood, or expresses something on my mind. I also have a few old friends, mathematical constants, in the mix because they are just so beautiful and some random things because sometimes there is nothing to really say in a necklace diary entry.
sunshine (27 March 2008). It was a lovely sunny day today.
I have tried to make the prices reasonable and any profits will go to environmental and social charities in Japan. I take special requests so if you have a message you want to wear around your neck, contact me through Etsy, please.
You can keep tabs on the project by looking at the “Mini Etsy” in the sidebar of my mediatinker.com or visit mediatinker.etsy.com

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.