Morsbags update

It’s been 4 months since I started making fabric shopping totes as part of the Morsbags project. Together with about a dozen other friends, we’ve sewn up 192 bags so far and given most of them away to strangers, friends and family.
I’ve been using my Morsbag every time I go shopping, so I’m sure I’ve refused at least 2 dozen bags. That’s not going to reverse global warming or eliminate plastic bag litter, but it makes a small difference. There are more than 6,000 Morsbags in circulation worldwide and if everyone uses their bag consistently, that’s a reduction of anywhere from 150,000 to 3 million bags.
You can do your part, too. It’s really so painless. If you’d like to get involved, there are many ways to start:

  1. Make a bag (or a few) for yourself & friends. They make gifts, and great gift bags, too! Here’s a simple Morsbag pattern to use.
  2. If you’re in Tokyo
    • Join TokyoBags for a sewing session. Our next one is Sunday, October 21st.
    • Help pass out bags at an upcoming distribution.
    • Donate materials – old duvet covers, cotton curtains & table cloths are ideal. Sewing machines, irons, thread…we’re happy to have them!
    • Host a workshop: I can teach kids or adults how to make Morsbags.
    • Start a new pod in Tokyo; TokyoBags doesn’t want to hog all the fun! Register your pod with Morsbags so you can add to the tally.
  3. If you’re not in Tokyo
    • Join a local pod or form a group of your own. Register your pod with Morsbags so you can add to the tally.
    • Get your school or community group involved.
    • Donate money to help keep morsbags running

More about Morsbags:
P.S. Check out Tracey’s related post on plastic bags in Yokohama harbour. We’re both posting environmental topics today as part of Blog Action Day.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.