
One of the interesting things about Japanese lessons is learning new things about my own language. Here’s somethign I learned last week.
In Japanese, each sort of sugar-based sweet treat has its own name: chocolate is チョコ (choco) ; old fashioned hard candies are 飴 (ame); soft chewy sweets are カンディー (candy) and so on through jelly beans, caramels and gum…each one is its own thing and there’s no general category into which they all fit except the very broad category of “snacks”
So I figured that “candy” as a category was an English language thing. But I am wrong. It’s an American English thing. In Australia, candy is chewy gummy things just like in Japan, and each sweet stands on its own. I don’t know about the Queen’s English. Is there a general category for all sugar-based treats in the UK?

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.