Home minus two

todenroute.jpgTod was picked up in a limo bright and early this morning for a week’s work trip to London. He sent me this photo from his lace-covered seat as he headed towards the airport and the first-class lounge where he and Zoupi will hole up until flight time. Lucky!
I’m staying home to work and clean the house. Lucky? On my list of tasks this week (this list is to ensure I actually do these things, you can stop reading here):
Saddle soap the sofa and chair; rearrange the living room furniture; wash down all the walls; wipe the ceilings; install a screen door in the office; wash all the curtains; clean up my studio space. I’ll also work on the DF booth elements, mail off a few packages, and do some drawing. That and try to eat healthily and sleep soundly.
Tod will be home next Sunday. Already counting the days…

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.