Your Composition Analyzed

Tod found this funny Japanese website. Put in your name and it tells you what you are made of. You can try it here, though the results will be in Japanese.

成分分析 Composition Analysis

If you don’t read Japanese, copy the text into Babelfish or Excite translatorfor a rough/poor translation, but I suggest you put periods at the end of each line to help it out.
Here’s what it said about me.
Results of a Composition Analysis of Kristen
85% adult circumstance – Kristenの85%は大人の都合で出来ています
8% bewilderment – Kristenの8%は気の迷いで出来ています
5% negative ions – Kristenの5%はマイナスイオンで出来ています
2% concentrated sulphuric acid – Kristenの2%は濃硫酸で出来ています
(It told me my computer was a mix of strictness, sulphuric acid, words, candy and bewilderment…that seems about right so I guess it has me pegged, too.)

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.