
Today in the mail, I received a set of form letters from the ward office. As if shortly turning 40 weren’t bad enough, now my government classes me as old.

Turning Point Physical Examination Details
The Kowishikawa Insurance Service Center would like to inform you that as a roujin (old person), you’re entitled to a free physical examination every five years as part of your old age social insurance plan. This includes a general exam with x-ray and bloodwork, hepatitis test, and cancer screening with barium x-ray. The next scheduled date for exams is 4/19. Our records show your qualifying birthday is within the next two months. Please schedule early.
About Hepatits Virus Screening
Bunkyo-ku offers free hepatitis virus screenings every five years for its citizens starting at age 40.
Roujin Dental Exam Information
All of Bunkyo-ku “aged persons” 40 years old and over are invited to a free yearly dental examination.

At least I know where my tax yen are going. I think I’d rather have had that 988,000 yen refund, though.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.