LibriVox redesign

The new, improved LibriVox page
I just completed a web redesign project for LibriVox and I’ve never been more pleased with a collaborative effort before. It was nearly effortless, in fact.
I pitched in with the design and CSS coding, Chris in Sydney handled the SQL and server bits, and a bevy of helpful LibriVoxers in Canada and the US tested and critiqued. With everyone’s input we made a huge improvement to the site in less than 48 hours. Nary a meeting, not a single phone call and no bruised egos.
The best thing is that the new design makes it easier for visitors to read our free audiobooks. And those with a desire to record chapters with us should have no trouble figuring out how.
And now that we have 10 books completed and another seventeen in the pipe, we should be seeing more traffic.
If you want to join in and read a chapter or two, visit the site, claim a chapter and record!

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.