Book tag

It’s meme month. First the musical baton and now here’s a bookish list that’s payback from my sister.

  1. Total number of books I own:
    I recently pared down quite a bit as they overflowed the space where I keep them. I now have about 200 books which still overflow but not into so many untidy piles.
  2. Last book I bought:
    The 85 Ways to Tie a Tie, a delightful little book about mathematics and necktie knots written by a pair of theoretical physicists. I’m still learning to knot the best of the 85.
  3. Last book I read:
    Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
    (Currently I’m reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman. I read it last week, decided it was a good read-aloud book and now I’m reading it to Tod.)
  4. Five books that have been meaningful to me:
    • The Annotated Alice by Lewis Carroll with annotations by Martin Gardner. This was the first edition that I read when I was 8 or 9–talk about opening up the back door into literature at an early age. I can’t read Alice in Wonderland without Gardner’s notes popping into my head.
    • The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson. Something about this book makes me read it over and over. The nanotechnology, the story, the strong female characters, the way the plot tangles and dissolves at the end. Haven’t found a Stephenson novel I didn’t like, but this one resonates.
    • Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein. This is one of the few novels my parents did not allow me to read as a voracious teenaged consumer of books. So of course I read it as soon as I could but sometimes I wish I hadn’t.
    • Cyclopedia by an unknown editorial board. It has a longer title, but the book is long gone, I’m afraid. It was written in 1902 as a one-volume collection of household tips, recipes, information on sewing, planting gardens, how to write thank you notes, the language of flowers, particulars of etiquette, parlor games and more.
    • Henley’s Formulas edited by Gardner D. Hiscox. This book was my father’s. It is reprint of a 1927 edition that contains 10,000 formulas for everything from adhesives to perfumes. If I ever want to create fireworks, sewing machine oil, cream soda, or my own photographic paper, I can.
  5. Five people I’m tagging:
    Tod (he has no weblog, so he can just tell me over dinner)
    The Zous (they liked the musical baton)
    …and I think that’s enough. But feel free to pick it up if you like.
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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.