Creativity cards

creative perspectivesI think my year in school was labeled Grand Guinea Pig Class. It seemed that every year there was some new textbook or learning tool that we had to try. Most were a bust, but I really loved the SRA reading lab. It was a box full of slick colored cards with independent study exercises to improve reading, writing and other language arts skills. My favorite series asked you to finish a story that they started with a half a paragraph or so.
Today I decided to do a set of “creative cards” to help improve our creative skills, kick start our senses, and develop our sense of whimsy. I’ll do five a week until I run out of ideas. You are, of course, invited to suggest some activities.
Creative Cards, set 1 (52K PDF)

  • Bake a Pie
  • Tie a Knot
  • Match a Color
  • Write a Song
  • Create a Hat

You can print these out onto cards, so get yourself some plain 3x5s and a box to keep them in.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.