Year End Disarray

It’s the time of year I feel compelled to tidy my computer world. I really ought to be scrubbing the apartment, but my online house is pretty scruffy.
One big project: I’m simplifying the website. Features have been removed, slashed away like old boots off a fishing line. I’ve instituted a monochromatic color scheme. Everything’s pared down. I’m working towards XHTML compliance.
For the next couple of days I will continue tweaking the layout, and more importantly the content, to get things where I want them. In the meantime, pardon the stray pages and any oddities you might discover.
(P.S. If you are still using Internet Explorer, may I suggest you try Firefox instead? It’s free, easy to use, a breeze to switch to, and won’t make my nice website look all bizarre.)

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.