Let’s Make Ume Shu

play videoLet’s Make Ume Shu 4’38” (28.7 MB MP4)
umeshu.jpg…starring Tracey Northcott as the barkeep…
As promised, here’s a how to video with everything you need to know to make ume shu (Japanese plum wine). Learn how to choose plums, wash and dry them, sterilse the bottles, layer the fruit with sugar and fill. It’s surprisingly easy.
For your shopping and kitchen convenience, here’s a recipe to print out.
Ume Shu
1 kg green ume (Japanese plums)
1 kg rock sugar
1.8 liters white liquor (35% alcohol)
Sterilise a 4 liter glass jar by filling it with boiling water, rinsing and drying carefully. Wash the ume, culling any fruit with bruises or broken skins. Dry the ume and remove the waxy bit in the stem end. Dry the fruit again. Layer ume and sugar in the jar, pour in the liquor. Seal tightly. Upend theh jar once a month until the sugar is completely dissolved. The ume shu is drinkable after 6 months, and fully mature at the end of a year.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.