Desk Inventory

I should be polishing an article that’s due, but I’m distracted by the number of things on my desk. Here’s an inventory:

  1. laptop
  2. scan converter
  3. digital camera
  4. DV camera remote
  5. telephone
  6. memo holder
  7. file box full of notebooks and maps
  8. keyboard
  9. wacom tablet
  10. flatpanel monitor on top of cardboard box
  11. card file
  12. four dictionaries
  13. wooden puzzle box used as bookend for dictionaries
  14. manekineko figurine
  15. keitai charging cradle
  16. mug full of pens
  17. mug empited of coffee
  18. glass of water
  19. calendar
  20. desk lamp
  21. audio CD
  22. empty case of data CD
  23. mini DV tapes (2)
  24. file folder with credit card statements
  25. book Tod finished reading yesterday
  26. notepad and pen
  27. bank statements to be filed

I think that before I can get down to completing this article, I must tidy my workspace!

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.